Įtł’ǫ̀ Godi Enı̨htłè - Le 5 au 26 mars, 2023

There is one more school week to go before students and families can enjoy their two week Spring Break. Please remember that the last day of classes is Thursday, March 9th. Spring Break runs from Friday March 10th through to Sunday March 26th (inclusive). The school and its office will be closed during that time. Students and staff return to school on the morning of Monday March 27th. Please note that over the break, there won't be any updates posted to our website. The next one is due on Sunday, March 26th. Here is what we have on the go for this week...
Spirit Week
We are having a Spirit Week in the days leading up to Spring Break. As previously-posted on our website, students and staff will have a chance to show their school spirit by dressing according to the theme of the day. Please see the poster at the bottom of our weekly posting for details on the theme for each day.
Subway Day
Thursday March 9th is our next Subway Day. If you haven't already placed an order, and would like to put one in for your child, you have until Monday evening at 6:00 PM to do so. Orders are placed online by visiting https://itlo.hotlunches.net/admin/
Reminder - Report Cards and Parent Conferences
Report cards are being sent home with students at the end of the day on Monday, March 6th. Parent conferences run from 4:00 until 7:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. It isn't too late to book a conference online. To do so, please visit: https://itlo.parentteacherconferences.net/admin/. If you are unable to book online, please call the main school office at 873-3477 and we will be able to help you out.
Reminder - New Registrations for 2023/2024
We are in full-swing for our planning next year. Students who are currently in JK through Grade 4, and who are planning to return to École Įtł'ǫ̀ next year are automatically re-registered for the following school year. Families don't need to take any further steps.
While we hope to keep everyone at our school from year to year, there are always those of have to transfer schools (usually a result of a family move). If you have a confirmed move that will result in your child transferring out of our school, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible.
If you know of someone who is interested in coming to our school, we ask that you put them in touch with us as soon as possible. The earlier we have a registration, the easier it becomes to plan for the next September and ensure a smooth transition and opening for everyone concerned. Please feel free to share the slideshow that we used in our recent parent orientation evening. While the information is aimed mainly at the younger grades, it contains helpful information for all students who are new to the school. We are also including a link to our registration form. Please share it as well. The links are:
- Slide Show - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sKve5840Z59ucdmOH6OV-J9eMxyHPRAP8mMn2ys1W2g/edit?usp=sharing
- Registration Form - https://media.yk1.nt.ca/media/Default/medialib/yk1-registration-form-september-13-2022.67e8fa4391.pdf
Scholastic Book Fair
We invite you to participate in this year’s Scholastic Book Fair from March 6 to March 8 by volunteering.
Scholastic Book Fairs gives our school the opportunity to bring families, teachers, students, and books together. It’s the ultimate book event! Additionally, a portion of the sales benefits our school library. It’s the best way to raise funds while encouraging kids to read. For full information on the book fair, including its hours and links to a virtual ordering site, please have a look at our flyer.
Being a part of something special is easier than you think. There are lots of ways to volunteer, including setting up our Book Fair and table displays (March 3) to create a terrific bookstore environment, working at our Cashier Table, and helping students and shoppers select just the right books (March 6, 7 and 8) and tear-down (March 9).
If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about our Scholastic Book Fair, please contact:
Sylvie Hayotte-Rourke(sylvie.hayotte-rourke@yk1.nt.ca) or (867)873-3477.
Thank you in advance for helping to make our students lifelong readers – we couldn’t do it without your participation!
Camp de Neige
Camp de Neige for 2023 is a go! We have reserved the Ski Club for March 28-30th and April 3rd so that all students can enjoy time outdoors and engage in a variety of fun activities. Our next newsletter will be posted on Sunday, March 26th at which time we will post a full schedule of the days, and the classes that will be attending on each of them.