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Godi Enı̨thł’è - Le 23 février au 1er mars, 2024


Thank you for checking in to read the latest school news. There are some key dates and items to remember over the coming few weeks. Report cards are coming home on March 4th, and Spring Break this year runs from March 8th to March 24th inclusive. Please read on for full details...

New This Week

Thank you to PAC for delicious Treats for Staff

This past Monday, teachers were busy doing the work of preparing the report cards for going home. Our school's PAC traditionally organizes a 'Treats for Staff' event. Parents volunteer to bring in various tasty treats to help teachers power through their report card writing, and also give our educational assistants and support staff a boost as well. Thank you to Amanda J for organizing the treats. They were pretty well gone by the end of the day, making this another hit with the school's staff.

Royal Winnipeg Rifles Band Performance

This past Thursday, members of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles band visited École Įtł’ǫ̀ and gave our students a live music performance. They have a broad repertoire, playing everything from Disney favourites to Taylor Swift. At times students were invited to dance, with many joining in. A special thank you goes out to Captain Wehrle and the members of the band for their lively performance. You're welcome back anytime!


Pink Shirt Day and Virtual Assembly

Pink Shirt Day this year is set for Wednesday, February 28th. Students and staff are invited to join in and show off their pink! While it is called Pink Shirt Day, any pink clothing is welcome and appreciated! The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the issue of bullying, and to talk about ways that we can all work to eliminate it. To get everyone ready, the students in Mme Jessica's class will host a virtual assembly at 12:35 PM on Tuesday. They will talk about the origins of Pink Shirt Day, and the importance of recognizing it and participating. We look forward to seeing everyone in their best pinks! Thank you to Mme Jessica and her students!

Mobile Device and Wearables Procedure Updated

We have just updated our website with the latest version of our school’s mobile device and wearables procedure. We have had a cell phone and mobile device procedure for a number of years. With the introduction of wearables, including SmartWatches, it was time to update that procedure. We encourage all families to read through our procedure, especially if they are contemplating providing their child with a mobile device or other wearable communication system. You can read the full updated procedure at the following link:

Reporting Conference Times and Booking Appointments

On Monday March 4th, students will receive their second formal report card of the year. This report will give families the opportunity to review the progress of their children to date, and also make plans for continuous improvements in the coming months. An important part of the reporting cycle is the opportunities to review a student's progress during conferences. This term, teachers have the option of organizing parent-teacher conferences (which is what we have traditionally done). A number of teachers have chosen to use student-led conferences. For these, students and teachers build student portfolios that represent their successes, and also their areas of growth over the semester. Parents and students have more flexible times to review the progess to date, as up to three families can be in the room at once. The teacher is always avaible to assist and answer questions. If, after reviewing the portfolio with their child, parents have more questions it is always possible to organize a separate time to meet indidually with the teacher.

Whichever the format, all conferences are booked online, as they have been in the past. Our online booking system goes live at 6:00 PM on Monday, February 26th. After that time, please take a minute to visit our booking page and register for an appointment. If a family prefers to have their conference via video link or phone, they can send their request directly to their child's teacher and they will do their best to accommodate your requests. Here are some key points to remember regarding next week's report cards and conferences:

  • Monday, February 26th - Converence booking system goes live (link:
  • Monday, March 4th - Report cards sent home with students
  • Tuesday, March 5th - Parent-teacher confernences (from 4:00 until 7:20)
  • Wednesday, March 6th - Parent-teacher confernences (from 4:00 until 7:20)
  • Friday, March 8th - No school - First day of Spring Break

If you created an account for yourself for the first term report cards, it should still be active and work for you to book for this term. If not, you must create an account for yourself on the system. Here are some additional links to help you with booking your appointments:

We look forward to meeting parents and discussing our students' progress with you!

Spirit Week Dates and Themes

In the lead-up to Spring Break, we are having a Spirit Week from March 4th to March 7th (inclusive). Everyone is invited to dress to join in the theme. By day they are:

  • Monday, March 4th - Hat Day
  • Tuesday, March 5th - Sports Apparel/Team Jersey Day
  • Wednesday, March 6th - Green Day (wear your best green clothing!)
  • Thursday, March 7th - Beach Day!


Breakfast Program - Volunteers Always Needed!

The Ecole Itlo Breakfast Program is looking for volunteers! Breakfast is offered every morning to all students in the school kitchen. Parent volunteers are needed every morning from 7:45-8:45 am to set up, serve, and clean up after breakfast. It is a lovely way to get to know the school community. 

All volunteers must complete a Vulnerable Sector Check. If your most recent check is over a year old, you will need to renew it. If this is the case, please contact the front office and Mme Laura can draft a letter for you to take to the RCMP to get the check completed.

If you are able to help out, please indicate your availability on this sign up sheet, which also has a link with more information about how the program runs. You can email the Parent Advisory Council ( with any questions. As well, please consider joining our Facebook group (Ecole Itlo PAC) to stay updated about upcoming school and PAC events.

School Calendar

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