Godi Enı̨thł’è – June 17 – June 21

Last Friday, the school celebrated National Indigenous People's Day! Students were buddied up with their big/little buddies and participated in a variety of activities. Activities included were: wood chopping, Dream catcher making, Duck Plucking, Water games, Bubbles, chalk art and more. The weather definetly made it more enjoyable for all.
This week!
June 20th - Year end assembly, Community BBQ & Grade 5 Farewell
Dene Drummers
In recognition of Indigenous People’s day, the Yellowknife Dene Drummers will be drumming for us at 9:30 AM.
Year end Assembly
10:30 - Final Assembly (slideshow & scared feather award)
Similar to the past, we will be showing the slideshow during the assembly on the 20th.
11: 00 - 12:20 Community BBQ out on the Terrace.
M Mariez and Mr. McConomy will be manning the BBQ. There will be hot dogs and drinks. Parents are invited to join us.
Grade 5 Farewell
2:15 pm - Grade 5 Farewell in the gym at 2:10 PM. Younger brothers and sisters are welcome to watch as well. Families are most welcome to attend the farewell celebrations.
The last two weeks of school are filled with various activities and so please watch for emails from your child's teacher(s) for any upcomming field trips. Please make sure your child packs the proper footwear, sunscreen etc.
School Review
Last April, Itlo was among three other YK1 schools that went through the process of a school review.The review was completed by a consultant from Alberta, Adellee Penner. After many conversations with a variety of representatives, she has learned that École Itlo is a place where students, parents and staff are proud to come and learn. The goals will be included in next year's school improvement plan.
Here is a summary of her observations:
- Students, parents and staff seek healthy connections with each other.
- Students enjoy and thrive on having the chance to be leaders and project based learning.
- Students appreciate learning about the Indigenous culture and language.
- Staff are continuing to work on shifting on using the new BC curriculum.
Here is a link to the highlights. The focus will become our goals in the school's improvement plan.