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Elizabeth Brace

Administrators - Principal

Phone: (867) 873-5811


Elizabeth Brace

Elizabeth obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Performance Music, History, and Education as well as her Bachelor of Education at Bishop’s University.  She began her teaching career in Ontario, moved to Yellowknife in 2007, and joined YK1.  Elizabeth has been teaching at Mildred Hall since 2007 and has been the Principal since 2020.

Elizabeth teaches and leads with the strong belief that all children can succeed and that recognizing the strengths in each child and staff member is the foundation on which to build.  She is excited to work with the staff team at Mildred Hall School and to celebrate the diversity of the students and their families.

As the music teacher at Mildred Hall School, Elizabeth taught all students from Junior Kindergarten through to grade eight; directed school choirs and bands; organized Christmas and Spring music concerts, and produced and directed school musicals. While at Mildred Hall School, Elizabeth has also had the opportunity to branch out from teaching music, she taught grade two homeroom, phys-ed, and grades seven and eight exploratories including Home Economics, Art, and Outdoor Education. Elizabeth has assumed the role of Acting Principal on numerous occasions and has been a member of Mildred Hall School’s Leadership Team and Positive Behaviour and Intervention Support Team.

Outside of school, Elizabeth uses her leadership and musical talents directing choirs within Yellowknife including the Fireweed Children’s Chorus. Elizabeth is currently enrolled in the Masters of Education Program for Educational Leadership at Bishop’s University.

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